
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You

Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church. We are glad that you want to know more about our community and invite you to explore the pages of our website to find out more about us, our faith tradition, and our ministries.

Trinity Episcopal Church embodies Christ’s love by creating sacred community, sharing God’s story, and welcoming and serving all people. Click here to learn more about our core values.

We hope you take some time to get to know us. Come and visit a service, sit in on a class, or take part as we assist our neighbors near and far. We believe that deepening our faith in God through

Jesus Christ transforms our world with the hope and light of Christ’s presence.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we hope that Trinity will be a companion as you travel toward deeper faith. We look forward to meeting you, answering your questions, and getting to know you soon. Again, welcome to Trinity! 

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